Conditions for sorting and filtering of the garages
When, as a car owner, you need an overview of the garages on Autobutler, or you have received price quotes and need to choose the garage to repair or service your car, you have different sorting options available. We want to make your experience simple and transparent, and therefore give you the option to search and sort in your quotes and the garages in different ways.
Although garages at Autobutler pay, among other things, commission and subscription fees to be able to use the service, this does not affect the garages’ ranking or presentation on Autobutler when, as a car owner, you have asked for a quote. However, garages can purchase additional exposure that highlights the individual garage and its quote. If a garage has purchased exposure, we always indicate that it is an advertisement.
The garages’ contractual obligations to Autobutler have no influence on the ranking of the garages’ location or quotes.