Clean your car's air conditioning or climate system

Beat the Air condition bugs

29 July 2014, 13:21

Many motorists drive around with air conditioning systems and dirty filters that can cause allergies and illness, as large amounts of fungal spores compile over time inside the car’s filters and AC unit. Let Autobutler help you to cleaner, more efficient air conditioning.

Regular inspection of your AC and filter changes are a must in order to keep you safe from nasty particles and give you and your passengers cleaner air. Inspection of your air conditioning also ensures better heating and cooling, which can be compromised as the system loses coolant over time.

Get your local Autobutler garage to check over and change your filters and say goodbye to these dirty particles. Just like any other part of your car, maintenance is the smart way to avoid expensive repairs. You should get regular AC inspection to improve the longevity as well as cooling and heating ability of your air conditioning

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