A Kia is not only an affordable car, there are also plenty of money to save when your Kia needs service.
We have calculated the average price of a Kia service inspection from prices listed by workshops affiliated with Autobutler.
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Please note, that the price of your Kia service inspection depends on the model and the number of kilometers driven.
Save money on car servicing with Autobutler
At Autobutler, you can request quotes for a service inspection of your Kia. Then you can compare the workshops on price, distance to your home and by car owner ratings. In this way, we help you in a simple and clear way to find the best workshop for you.
Whether your Kia is due for car servicing or not depends on the model and year. But the main rule is that a Kia must be serviced between 12 and 24 months or at 15,000-30,000 kilometers driven.
KIA’s 10 Step Service Promise
Kia generally offers a high level of service, and to cater to customers, Kia has written a 10-step Service Promise that can be read in full length on the Kia Motors website.
The Service Promise means that they listen to your wishes and needs. That there are visible prices and that repairs are carried out at the agreed time. At the same time, only repairs which have already been agreed with you are carried out. You will always be contacted if unforeseen problems arise during the process. The repairs are reviewed by the customer when the car is picked up, and as a Kia car owner you should not be surprised if the workshop subsequently contacts you to hear about your experience and whether there were some things that could be done differently or better.
What does a Kia car service include?
A Kia service inspection should at least include the following focus areas:
Wipers and lights
The windscreen wipers are checked and the exterior light including head light, tail light, indicator lights and fog lights are checked too. Hazard lights are tested and the same goes for brake lights and reverse lights.
A Kia service inspection usually also requires a change of engine oil and oil filter as well as replacement or control of the air filter. The workshop will further check the coolant and do a refill or replacement depending on the type of service, age of the car and how well it can withstand cold temperatures.
Depending on the manufacturer's regulations regarding the number of kilometers driven or the age of the car, the brakes must be checked at least visually for wear. With a comprehensive service inspection of your Kia, there will be "Checking brakes" in the report. This means that the wheels are removed so that the mechanic can check the brake discs and brake pads thoroughly both front and rear. The workshop will contact you if there is a need for changing discs or bricks.
Tyres and tyre patterns are checked for visible damage, cracks or breakage. The workshop ensures that the pattern depth stays within the legal framework.
In addition to the tyres, wheels, suspension and wishbones are also inspected.
The car's electrical installations
All the important electrical installations, including electrical instruments, meters etc. are checked. This applies to both battery, generator and starter motor. Cables should be inspected for any breakage.
Finally, all the engine components are tested. A Kia service inspection includes inspection of the rear axle, coolant hoses, clutch, air and fuel filters, additional drive belts, fuel pipes, spark plugs and exhaust systems. In addition, the drive shaft joints and cuffs, suspension, ball joints and shock absorbers are checked.
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