When your Škoda is going to a workshop to have a car service carried out, you can either choose to drive to an authorized Škoda workshop or find a non-authorized workshop where you think price and quality matches.
We have helped you a little and calculated the average price of a Škoda car service made by workshops affiliated with Autobutler:
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Please note that the price of your Škoda service inspection depends of course on the model and the number of kilometers driven.
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You must be aware that all workshops that are affiliated with our workshop portal Autobutler are obliged to perform high quality car servicing and that the workshops always, unless otherwise agreed, will follow the instructions of the service manual.
At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that, according to EU law, all car manufacturers must make all data, service schedules and service bulletins fully accessible to the free market and thus the free workshops.
For that reason, it can be worthwhile to get quotes for a service inspection and compare whether or not the service inspection can be performed just as well, but cheaper, with an unauthorized workshop.
Selection of workshop
We cannot advise you on choosing an authorized or unauthorized Škoda workshop. It is usually a matter of temperament.
Usually though, a service manual with only authorized Škoda stamps tells a prospective buyer that one can safely rely on the quality of repairs and spare parts.
However, the same could be the case if you made sure to get stamps in your service book from an unauthorized workshop, which may even specialize in just ŠKODA repairs or may at least have received good reviews on Autobutler.
Škoda Road Assistance
If you get your car serviced at an authorized Škoda workshop, you will receive "Škoda Road Assistance" in the package. It applies throughout Europe. The road assistance covers both the cost of calling a service car in case of a motor failure and the cost of getting the car transported to the nearest Škoda workshop.
Direct connection to the factory
At the workshop, your car will be updated with the latest software from Škoda. The car's computers are connected directly to the Škoda factory via the workshop's test computer. Among other things, the engine management is continuously updated, so that you get the best possible fuel economy.
When is it time for a Škoda car service?
In most Škoda models, the car's computer will automatically notify you when it's time for your next car service. Depending on your driving pattern, you will be notified when you have driven between 15,000-30,000 km.
Which spare parts are used?
Authorized workshops always use original Škoda spare parts and unauthorized repair shops can also use original Škoda spare parts. But make sure to primarily stick to OEM-approved spare parts that match the same quality as the original ones.
Compare prices for servicing
A number of services are offered by using an authorized workshop, but the price is often higher, so it can be worthwhile to use a non-authorized workshop.
If you are still unsure about where to get your next service inspection, use Autobutler to obtain quotes.
When you create a job on Autobutler, you get quotes from workshops close to you, so you can compare prices. You can choose for yourself whether it should be the price that is crucial for your choice of workshop, or whether it should also be the distance to the mechanic or user reviews that help your decision.
All workshops can perform a car service while maintaining the warranty - even if it is not an authorized Škoda workshop.