A timing belt it not all that expensive, yet it may well be a semi-costly affair to replace the timing belt. This is because in some cases it can be a difficult and a time consuming task to get the belt off and fit a new timing belt.
Labor is the largest expense, and therefore it is important to check the hourly rates of the garages, since there can be huge differences.
We have researched the average price for having the timing belt changed on a Peugeot. The price covers all Peugeot models and is based on quotes that garages have submitted to users of our garage portal.
Compare and save* | You save on average* | |
£133 | 26% | |
Save on average* | ||
£133 / 26% |
Get all quotes in writing at Autobutler. This way you can easily compare the garages both on price, description of the scope of the task and also read what other users have to say about their experience having their car serviced at the garages.
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The timing belt on a Peugeot
The timing belt in your Peugeot controls the interaction between the pistons and valves. The timing belt is therefore one of the most important functions of the engine.
The belt is made of a strong rubber material, which eventually wears out. This means that it risks tenderising, fraying and getting cracks on the surface.
A worn timing belt should be replaced in time. Otherwise, you risk it snaps while driving which can cause serious damage to the engine's valves and pistons. At worst, the extent of the damage may require having to replace the entire engine.
It is therefore a good idea that you have the timing belt on your Peugeot inspected and possibly replaced before things go wrong.
Time to replace a timing belt – what you should be aware of
When does one know it is time to replace the timing belt?
As a rule, it is stated in the car's service book as to how many kilometers the car must have driven before the belt has to be changed. But if one has bought a used car and the former owner has not complied with the instructions, you are navigating without a compass, so to speak.
It is therefore a good idea to talk with your garage, and have the mechanic inspect the belt.
If the car is rather stationary, the timing belt can actually over time become stiff. It should preferably remain soft and supple, and it is extra important that car owners with low mileage change the timing belt at regular intervals.
The general rule is that the belt should typically be changed around 120,000 km. or every 4-5 years depending on mileage.
Finally, all driving should occur without a jarring sound. If you hear a squealing or a screeching noise from the engine compartment, often in connection with when the car starts to move, it is a sign the timing belt is worn out and should be replaced.
4 tips on replacing the timing belt
- Keep an eye on your timing belt and have the garage check it when the vehicle is being serviced.
- Be sure that the service book is updated - otherwise you can not rely on it.
- If you buy a used car, ask the seller when the timing belt was last replaced.
- If in doubt, have the timing belt changed before things go wrong.