If the clutch in your Volkswagen vehicle is needing replaced, the price estimator at Autobutler features the recent average price for Volkswagen vehicle clutch replacements undertaken at Autobutler.
Established in 1935 in Germany, Volkswagen has grown to become the worlds largest automaker with global sales in 2013 of 9.7 million vehicles. Their Golf and Polo models are popular throughout Europe and both featured in the Top 10 Best Selling Car Models in Europe for 2014. The Volkswagen Golf was also named the 2013 World Car of the Year and European Car of the Year.
Through their life, all vehicles will require replacement of various parts. In almost continuous use, the clutch is a vital component in your Volkswagen’s transmission and at some stage may need replaced – clutch replacement is a common job for most garages.
Compare and save* | You save on average* | |
£238 | 28% | |
Save on average* | ||
£238 / 28% |
The Autobutler price estimator above shows the average price for Volkswagen clutch replacements that have recently been undertaken at Autobutler.
If, having checked the price estimator, you would like to receive a more accurate quote for the replacement of your clutch, the easiest and quickest way to receive a professional quote is through Autobutler. A few simple clicks will see you receive three bespoke quotations within 24 hours from garages local to you. This allows you to choose the best quote for replacing the clutch on your Volkswagen.
How is the cost of a clutch replacement broken down?
Replacing the clutch on your vehicle can be an expensive job, with the cost varying depending on the specific issue with the clutch and what make and model of vehicle you have. Some clutch replacements also require the flywheel to be replaced which can be a significant extra cost.
Labour hours contribute to the bulk of the cost in replacing the clutch, with parts and sundries making up the remaining cost. It’s always advisable to get a quote from a number of garages and compare them to the prices in our price estimator.
How do I know if I require a new clutch?
Within your vehicle the clutch is an essential and key component. With no set life-span, it can prove difficult to predict when your clutch is due for replacement with both driving style and driving environment being key factors in its wear and tear. Many drivers ride their clutch when stationary at traffic lights or in heavy traffic. This causes unnecessary wear and tear on the clutch with riding the clutch being one of the main causes of clutch problems.
There are warning signs to problems with your clutch that you should be aware of. You may notice difficulty in changing gear and/or a noise or burning smell when changing gear. You also notice that your engine revs randomly increase and decrease and that when you rev there is no increase in speed. These are all warning signs that you have an issue with your clutch and you should look to have a professional look into this as quickly as possible.