When a few years ago, Autobutler did a price check on brake jobs, the results showed that, as a consumer, you could save on average 22%* on your garage bill if the job was put out to tender among several garages.
Therefore, we always urge our users to create a job and obtain quotes via Autobutler.
We have calculated the average price for Kia brake jobs to be:
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The price is calculated as an average of all the quotes on brake replacement sent to the users of our garage portal.
Avoid surprises and know the cost of your garage bill in advance. On Autobutler, all garages always provide a detailed description of the scope of the task.
This makes it easy for you to compare the quote’s price and contents, and is your assurance that you choose the right garage. Also, remember to read other users' reviews of the individual garages before you accept a quote.
The brakes screech – does this mean they need to be replaced?
If the brakes on your Kia screech when you engage them, it might be a sign that the brake pads are worn and need replacing. Today, most cars have a wear indicator, which either lights up in the instrument panel when it is time to have the brakes replaced, or which is worn down and begins to screech when braking.
However, brakes that squeak or screech are not necessarily evidence that they are worn. Brakes may also screech if the car has been stationary and a bit of rust formed on the pads or the discs. Surface rust on the brakes will wear off when you have braked a few times.
Another cause of screeching brakes may be that even original brake pads are made from a material, which sometimes screeches when braking. As a rule, the sound will disappear after a while, but in some cases, a car owner will simply have to get used to the annoying screeching sound for a while, possibly until the next brake replacement.
However, if the screeching sound appears suddenly, you should run your Kia past a garage and have the brakes checked. The screeching may very well be caused by dirt being accumulated in the brake system. In such cases, cleaning, lubrication and adjustment of the brakes will be enough to make the sound disappear.
Have your brakes checked when the car is at the MOT
Every time your Kia is serviced, the mechanic will perform a visual inspection of the vehicle's brakes. The visual inspection aims to check how much the brakes have been worn since the last inspection. When the mechanic inspects how the car reacts during braking, it can be easily be determined whether the brakes need replacing.
As, during normal servicing, the mechanic simply performs a visual inspection, it is important that you yourself are aware whether the car's brakes suddenly respond differently.
The car's brakes – make sure that safety is in order
The number of motorists who drive cars with brakes in less than optimal condition is alarming. All studies indicate this, and very few people actually think about how dangerous a cocktail worn brakes and a lack of brake fluid can be.
If the brake system is not 100 percent effective on your Kia, this means that the car has a longer braking distance, and that there is a risk of brake failure during intense emergency stops.
Usually, you only realise this when it is too late. Usually, the brakes do not screech when braking, and braking at normal speed does not seem alarming in any way.
However, even if everything works as intended, make sure you have your Kia’s brakes checked at least once per year.
After all, the brakes are very vulnerable to dirt and snow and road salt. Generally, the British weather takes its toll on the car's braking system, and if you have an older car, it is a particularly good idea to have the brakes checked more often.
Ask the garage to check the brake pads’ thickness, and see if there is rust on the pads or discs. Furthermore, the brake system cannot be low on brake fluid. If it is, the mechanic should ensure that there are no leaks in the system.
When the mechanic checks the brake system anyway, it is also checked that the brake caliper and the rubber cap which guards the piston against the ingress of dirt and water is completely tight. If, for example, the rubber cap is cracked, allowing dirt to enter the system, you risk that the brakes are not released properly and will therefore hang and wear unevenly.
5 things you need to know about your Kia’s brakes
If the car rocks back and forth when braking, it may indicate that the brake pads are worn unevenly.
If the brakes make noise when you turn the steering wheel, it is likely that the caliper is not aligned perfectly in relation to the brake disc.
If you have to step harder on the brake pedal than usual to get the same effect, the brakes are getting worn.
If the brake pedal comes down all the way when you brake, the system is definitely short on brake fluid.
If condensation occurs in the brake fluid, the brake fluid will not have the same effect, and your Kia will brake worse than normal.