If you are thinking about having a tow bar mounted on your Citroën, now is the right time, if you are driving a mini car.
If you are thinking about having a tow bar mounted on your Citroën, now is the right time, if you are driving a mini car.
The engine oil on your Peugeot is an essential component for lubricating and cooling the engine parts. The engine oil helps ensure that the moving parts can work smoothly, and without the required amount of oil, the friction in the engine increases. If the oil level drops, a greater strain is placed on the remaining oil, and you run the risk that the engine's vital parts are damaged.
When the car needs a brake replacement, most car owners go to see the mechanic to get the job done. But, if you are a dexterous type and own the right tools, it is actually possible to change the brake pads yourself. Remember, the car's brakes are among the most important safety equipment, which makes it vital that you know exactly what to do when you start to disassemble the brakes. Otherwise, the consequences can be catastrophic.
Read the whole article - Is it time to replace the brakes on your Škoda?
Screeching brakes in your Kia is a sign that something is wrong. The same applies if you experience problems with depressing the brake pedal completely. Read more about how to know whether the brakes need a check, and possibly a replacement, as well as tips on how to find the best price at a garage near you.
Read the whole article - Is it time to replace the brakes on your Kia?
Very few brand-new cars straight from the factory come with a mounted tow bar.
Having a tow hitch mounted on your Audi, will give you great freedom in using your car for various leisure activities and hobbies. Drive with trailers, bikes, caravans, etc.
Was it long ago, then it might be time to have it inspected. The car’s air conditioning system, air con, climate control, or a/c system must be maintained in order to work optimally. If you do not have the system inspected at least once a year, then it will not cool as it should.
Read the whole article - Air condition service for your Suzuki
If your Nissan is equipped with an air conditioning system or a climate control, so be sure to use it. Not only during summer, but all year round. It is a misconception that the air conditioning system is to be used only in summer. Turn it on and use it once too often than once too little.
Read the whole article - Air conditioning service for your Nissan
If your Mercedes Benz is equipped with an air conditioner or climate control, it is important that you remember to use it year-round. It is a myth that an air conditioner should not be used during winters, so turn on the system and use it more often than too little.
Read the whole article - Air conditioner service for your Mercedes
A well-functioning clutch provides a smooth and comfortable ride, but as your car gets older, problems may arise. The gear and the clutch are used constantly, and therefore wear and tear on this portion of the car will unavoidably occur.
The timing belt on your car controls the interaction between the pistons and valves, and as a result the timing belt is one of the most important functions of an engine.
Read the whole article - Do you need to replace your Toyota's timing belt?
If you are the happy owner of a MINI, then you drive around in a classic with a long history behind it. The first MINI was in fact launched way back in 1959 and was back then considered to be a vehicle for the broad masses.
The engine oil of a car has the function to lubricates and cool the individual engine parts. Engine oil also helps to ensure that the moving parts work smoothly.
The car’s engine oil is an important component, which has the purpose of lubricating individual parts of the engine. The engine oil helps ensure that the moving parts work smoothly and if there is not enough oil in the engine, it will cause increased friction. If or when the amount of oil decreases, the remaining oil becomes more strained and you run the risk of damaging vital parts of the engine.
When you drive your car, you constantly use the clutch. Especially in urban traffic and in queues or rush hour traffic, the gears are constantly being shifted.
Read the whole article - Replace the clutch on your Vauxhall
Most cars nowadays are equipped with what is called an ABS (Anti-lock Braking System). The system allows the brakes on the vehicle don’t block during heavy braking. This means that the braking distance during emergency braking will be shorter because the wheels do not lock when braking. At the same time, it is also possible to steer the car, because it does not skid.
Read the whole article - Is it time to replace the brakes on your Fiat?
For most people, having a tow bar is for prational reasons. These can be things like carrying waste to the recycling centre using a trailer, being able to mount a bicycle carrier while others enjoy spending the summer vacation with a caravan hitched to the car.
Read the whole article - Get the best price on mounting a tow bar for your KIA
The cooling system in your Kia needs, like any other part of the car, to be serviced and maintained regularly. Hot summers will mean more use of the airconditioning system, which can result in bad odor as bacteria grows in the system. Read on to learn how this happens, how you can prevent it and how you can best maintain your Kia's a/c system all year around.
Read the whole article - Air conditioning service for your KIA
The timing belt in your Peugeot controls the interaction between the pistons and valves. The timing belt is therefore one of the most important functions of the engine. A worn timing belt should always be replaced in time. Otherwise, you risk it snaps while driving and causing serious damage to the engine's valves and pistons. At worst, the extent of the damage may require having to replace the entire engine.
The car's timing belt is one of the most important parts of the engine. It is the timing belt that make the camshaft and crankshaft in the engine to rotate with timing. Some newer cars are equipped with a warning light that lets you know that something is wrong. If the warning light lights up on the dashboard, you should immediately stop the car and have it towed to a garage. Continue reading for advice on how to wear less on your Mazda's timing belt and to find out how to get the best price when you need the timing belt replaced.
Read the whole article - Does your Mazda need a new timing belt?